Patchwork Podcast: Energy advocate Deidra Garyk

Energy advocate and long time energy worker Deidra Garyk joined Kurt Price and Tracy Klotz on the New Lloydminster Nissan Patchwork Podcast this month. “We’re seeing it in Europe, I mean, there’s there’s no doubt they are facing it. And those...

Jordan Peterson: Back off, oh masters of the universe

Canadian intellectual, author and commentator Dr. Jordan B. Peterson spends a lot of time talking about energy in his Aug. 15 YouTube video entitled Back off, oh masters of the universe. He ties globalization and energy policy, intended to save the world from climate...

Patchwork Podcast: Martin Campbell from BPC Directional

Martin Campbell of BPC Directional was the guest on this month’s New Lloydminster Nissan Patchwork Podcast. He’s spent 42 years in the oilpatch since moving from PEI. His first job involved hand bombing shovel with a cracked handle to find a telephone line...