Damn Dams are Damned, Dammit!

YouTube Channel Wendover Productions offers some really interesting videos about science, technology, geography and more. On Sept. 19, they released “The Troubling Danger of Dams.” It was quite interesting, because Wendover is generally hugely in favour of...

Patchwork Podcast: Dustin Newman from Original Oil

The New Lloydminster Nissan Patchwork Podcast this week features Kurt Price speaking to Dustin Newman from Original Oil. Dustin grew up on a farm near Hillmond, SK, and ended up as an engineer.     0086 Sask Gov Oil and Gas Incentive Programs0086 Sask Gov...

Energy Transition Podcast, Episode 78: BRICS adds six new members

BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. A meeting in recent days has expanded that to include Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Ethiopia and Argentina. Given that Iran and Saudi Arabia are bitter enemies (a few years ago, Iran pummeled the...