Saskatchewan United Leader Nadine Wilson on March 7. Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan

Wilson says the Sask Party government seeks to shut down coal and natural gas for wind and solar


The leader of the Saskatchewan United Party, Nadine Wilson, was ejected from the Legislative Assembly during Question Period on Thursday, May 7, for accusing the Saskatchewan Party government for lying about its intents for coal and natural gas. She called upon the government to “reject this destructive policy of net zero by 2050.”

Her questions were answered by Minister of Crown Investments Corp Dustin Duncan, whose portfolio includes SaskPower and SaskEnergy.

Parliamentary procedure is to not use proper names during proceedings. For the speaker to “name” a member, calling them by their proper name and ejecting them from the chamber, is, or at least used to be, considered one of the most serious punishments that the speaker can impose on a member. However, it has become increasingly commonplace for members, seeking to make a point or draw attention to an issue, to push the limits until they are named. That’s what happened in this case.

Editor’s note: references to “Mr. Speaker,” which are numerous, have been edited out as have the speaker’s introductions unless pertinent to the debate.

Nadine Wilson: The Sask Party’s new mantra is build and protect, after they realized there wasn’t any growth and it wasn’t working for anyone. Their net zero by 2050 agenda definitely isn’t build and protect; it’s more like wreck and neglect. The Saskatchewan people are blessed with a province rich in God-given natural resources, sitting on a gold mine of affordable and reliable energy, not just for Saskatchewan but for all our neighbours as well. Yet this Saskatchewan Party government wants to shut down coal, shut down natural gas, and is dumping billions into failed green projects. Can this government find their feet, stand before this Assembly and the Saskatchewan people, and reject this destructive policy of net zero by 2050?

Minister of Crown Investments Corp Dustin Duncan on March 7. Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan


Dustin Duncan: I just want to perhaps correct the member opposite. It’s really the Government of Canada, the Liberal government, supported by the NDP, who want to shut down coal, who want to shut down natural gas, and want to put this province in a position where . . . We saw just a couple of months ago in Alberta, where we frankly had to have an all-of-the-above solution to help out our neighbours to the west, who had an emergency situation where people nearly didn’t have heat to heat their homes in the middle of the wintertime.

The member opposite is correct in one thing: we are abundantly blessed with resources in this province. And that’s why we’re working so hard to be a part of the nuclear fuel cycle. That’s why when you look at companies like Cameco and Orano. . . We sit on the second-largest reserve of uranium in the world. That’s why when we go to conferences like COP and we go to conferences like the global nuclear expo, the eyes of the world are on Saskatchewan.

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Wilson: I am tired of the misdirection and the doublespeak from the Sask Party government. The member from Cypress Hills stood up and led us to believe that the Sask Party government is pro-coal and pro-natural gas.

This government’s stated objective in their published documents is to kill — to kill — our coal and natural gas with net zero by 2050 and replace it with wind and solar, which they know won’t work. Are they just plain ignorant, or are they straight-up gaslighting and lying to the public about their agenda?

Speaker Randy Weekes naming Nadine Wilson on March 7. Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan


The Speaker: I ask the member from Saskatchewan Rivers to withdraw and apologize for inflammatory and unparliamentary language.

Wilson: I will not apologize for this government’s lying.

The Speaker: I ask the member one more time to withdraw and apologize.

Wilson:  I will not apologize for their lying.

The Speaker: One last time, will the member withdraw and apologize? Ms. Nadine Wilson, I hereby name you for disregarding the authority of the Chair. Pursuant to rule 57(2), the member is suspended from the service of the Assembly for the remainder of the sitting day. I ask the Sergeant-at-Arms to remove the member.

Wilson was then removed from the chamber, and Question Period concluded.


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Brian Zinchuk: A plan to save coal, power generation, and the oil industry in southeast Saskatchewan