NDP Energy Critic Aleana Young on the trade show floor of the Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show on June 5. Photo by Brian Zinchuk
Following the release of the Saskatchewan Economic Impact Assessment Tribunal’s report on the federal Clean Electricity Regulations (CER), the Government of Saskatchewan has announced on June 25 that it will not be complying with the regulations when they come into effect.
NDP SaskPower Critic Aleana Young emailed the following response to Pipeline Online:
“We’re currently reviewing the Tribunal’s report. Since day one, we have been clear that the federal government’s regulations are too far, too fast, and not on for Saskatchewan.
“The federal government doesn’t understand the realities facing Saskatchewan and continuously moves the goalposts for the electricity sector which are unrealistic, especially with a Sask Party government that’s nothing but ideological when it comes to renewables and fueling Saskatchewan’s energy future. By January 1, 2025, it’s possible we will have different federal and provincial governments. Under Carla Beck and the Sask NDP, people can expect a commonsense, all-of-the-above approach to energy security.”