Hockey players grow up admiring Gretzky and Lemieux. As a columnist for over 30 years, I grew up admiring Allan Fotheringham and Rex Murphy. Just as no one else could quite stick handle a puck like the Great One, no one else could really treat words in the same manner...
Every two years in Weyburn, Saskatchewan the oil & gas industry holds a fantastic event: the “Bi-Annual Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show.” Many oil producers, contractors, service and supply companies set up their displays and equipment to get together and the...
Governments are pushing carbon capture, but utilities aren’t willing The next great hope of carbon capture for power generation in Canada just got punted in Alberta. Now what is SaskPower to do? In late 2014, SaskPower’s Boundary Dam Unit 3 Integrated Carbon Capture...
During a time when a global pandemic brought industries across the world to a standstill, shuttering businesses and stymying job growth, the Government of Saskatchewan initiated a program to help get people back to work. On May 22, 2020, the Government of Saskatchewan...
There’s a constant refrain I often hear: “We can’t find workers.” It’s usually followed by, “We don’t know where to find them. We don’t even know where to look anymore.” This is especially prevalent when it comes to drilling and service rigs, but is an issue not just...
Hey Sask Party MLAs and supporters, we need to talk. It is an election year after all. The STF is negotiating for more money and support, y’all are fighting the feds on carbon tax. (Thanks for that, by the way.) I will preface this by saying I have friends in the Sask...