Here in my first article with Pipeline Online, I will outline how I believe Saskatchewan can and must turn its rapidly depleting uranium resource into a foundational value-added industry that will create immense economic value for centuries to come. First, a little... I hope you had a good Canada Day, because, really, you should not have been celebrating. That’s because just a...
Correction: In my last article I made a significant error. When I wrote about the “Outlaw Buckers and Oil Kings” event I neglected to give credit to Robert Schmidt of Elite Safety for coming up with the idea, gathering most of the sponsorship, organizing and executing...
The oil and gas industry is under threat like never before from activists, legislation, and now regulatory standards. As if the ridiculous gag order against oil and gas companies talking about their present and future environmental record wasn’t enough, the...
There is a good chance climate activists smugly celebrating the collapse of conventional energy production within a generation are wildly mistaken. It is just as plausible that the time between today and ‘sunset’ for petroleum will run several decades...
Before I get started, I’d like to add some items I missed in my last article regarding the Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show. I didn’t mention Kelly Taylor, a great comedian on Wednesday night, (After the prime rib supper) and of course, guest speaker at the Thursday...