It seems like just the other day (actually it was 15 years ago) when Prime Minister Stephen Harper opined about Canada’s role in the world as an “emerging energy superpower.” That was before fossil fuels were rebranded by too many Canadians as a national embarrassment...
When Brian Zinchuk asked me to write for the Pipeline Online, I was honored, grateful and also very excited. This would be my opportunity to give opinions, thoughts, criticisms and praise to my colleagues in the industry. Of course I immediately wondered, “What the...
We all heard the stories – Imperial Oil packing up its offices, its rigs, and hauling off to Alberta the day after Tommy Douglas and the CCF won the election – and Saskatchewan’s resource economy tanking forevermore. A true, or apocryphal story? Hmmm… lets see. I’ve...
Editor’s note: With a federal election recently out of the way, former Premier Brad Wall feel it might be time to take another look at Senate reform. We hope to hear from him from time to time, if the fancy strikes him. Senate reform. I was for it before I was...
If the federal government would simply play ball on allowing carbon tax input credits, the Government of Saskatchewan and Whitecap Resources CEO Grant Fagerheim think they can implement a carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) scheme that could dramatically...