Alberta is back in the chips in ways nobody imagined a year ago The political success of Alberta premiers dating back 50 years has been closely linked to the oil and gas business and federal/provincial relations.  Premiers fortunate enough to be in office when the...
Here’s a topic and blue sky proposal inspired by the Moe government’s ‘Drawing the Line White Paper’ and the intensifying federal assault on the west’s resource industries. Apparently there has been a serious dearth of new investment in Canada’s energy...
Premier Scott Moe thinks the overwhelming mass of federal environmental programs in the name of preventing climate change is getting to be too much. So on Oct. 21, he released a white paper called Drawing the Line: Defending Saskatchewan’s Economic Autonomy. After...
Those that should be drilling will be very cautious until Washington and Ottawa signal they want more petroleum, not more politics Saudi Arabia has reminded us again of the power of the world’s largest oil producer. Through Saudi Aramco, one country with only...
I love this time of year. I think most people do. We all enjoy the fall colors, the not-quite-so-hot temperatures and to see the combines running. Canadians love the cooler weather, I think mostly to show off their new hoodies or bunnyhugs. (There is a serious debate...
Alberta adds 29th wind farm, and collectively they all put out 0.3 per cent of their capacity on Oct. 1 I had something of a surreal experience on Wednesday, Sept. 28. I was sitting in the SIMSA Energy Supply Forum in Regina, listening to the presenter from...