Time for a toonie, from Quick Dick McDick, “Because two cents don’t buy you shit anymore.” Quick Dick is in the middle of calving, but he’s been thinking about something that smells worse than afterbirth. In one of his no holds barred...
A lot can happen in one year. Call it twelve months, or, if you prefer, three hundred and sixty four days. And man, it’s been a hell of a year. For us in the energy industry it’s been somewhat busier due to stable commodity prices, increased demand post-COVID and of...
Just what would a “net zero” energy future look like, if Saskatchewan were to replace fossil fuels for power production with renewables? Enormous tracts of land would need to be covered with wind turbines and/or solar panels, never mind the batteries to...
On Thursday, March 2, Pipeline Online editor and owner Brian Zinchuk appeared on CJME/CKOM’s John Gormley Show. Items discussed included oil prices, Russia skirting sanctions, drilling activity, spring breakup, capital expenditures, and more.  0088...
Remediation efforts at the former Gunnar Mine and Mill Site reached a new milestone last spring—with the first stage of revegetation coming to fruition. Located on the north shore of Lake Athabasca, the long-abandoned uranium mine and mill has undergone a large...
Back in the lofty, pre-Justin Trudeau government days of 2014, back when oil was booming, pipelines were planned to east and west coasts, and Alberta and Saskatchewan were swimming in money, around $81 billion was spent in capital expenditures (CAPEX) in the...