This column by Jim Warren is part 4 of 4 What can supporters of the conventional energy industry and a rational transition do to stem the tide of public opinion flowing against them? The simple answer is “catch up.” Learn what we failed to learn prior to and...
The theme for this series of columns can be summed up as an attempt to answer the following question: Can supporters of a rational, economically-feasible transition to renewable energy reasonably hope to convince enough policy makers and members of the public that the...
The hazards presented by disruptions to the reliability of the electrical power grid and our capacity to use natural gas to heat buildings, along with wild spikes in energy prices, go well beyond the threats of inconvenience and financial losses. These sorts of energy...
Whether you like what I write about or not, whether you are for or against oil, gas, nuclear, coal, Pipeline Online is real, legitimate news media in Saskatchewan and Canada, accepted within the legislature during press gallery events and anywhere else. Just...
I like Brie cheese. I like it a lot. But I’ve always treated it as a luxury. It’s not terribly expensive, but I only buy it when I’m feeling comfortable financially. For many years, you could get a small wheel of Brie either at Walmart or No Frills for $10. On...
Every province and state SaskPower is connected to saw wind power fail at the exact same time on Wednesday morning Alberta issues electrical grid alert same day wind power collapsed across AB, SK, MB, ND, SD, IA, NE, OK, IA, MO, AR. NM and TX Wednesday was a very...