The world is coming to an end. Always has been, as a matter of fact. Well, really, we don’t know that for sure, but logic and common sense says that it will indeed...
This was from January, 2018. Still no aircraft carrier. Facebook (Editor’s note: originally published in 2018, updated due to the fact neither my wife, mom or dad have made the effort to buy me the USS Flagg, I even saw one at a comic convention in Saskatoon...
Nova Scotia goes along with the feds to kill an offshore gas project, all the while their bills are paid by Alberta and Saskatchewan oil and gas Well isn’t that just peachy? Nova Scotia’s Progressive Conservative government teamed up with the federal Liberal...
Do y’all like gladiator movies? What’s better than a bunch of big men trying to kill each other with swords, axes, spears and just good old fashioned bare fists. Not much in my opinion. It’s like UFC, except there is all that blood, dismemberment and death. The...
When you spend a lot of time driving around Saskatchewan (such is the oilpatch life), you tend to listen to a lot of radio. Years ago, it was AM/FM radio, or cassette tapes (yes, I am that old) and music was by far the biggest part of it. But as time passed, I...
There’s a disturbance in the force of global shipping, as if a major transit point started slipping away. If you haven’t been paying attention (and why would you?), there’s a very serious problem occurring a few thousand miles to the south of us, one that...