Ukraine, the land of my ancestors, is about to be invaded by over 100,000 Russian soldiers. And in the Parliamentary debate on Ukraine on Monday, Jan. 31, I heard what was quite possibly the most asinine, idiotic question, and response, ever spoken in a debate on an international crisis.

It turns out that for both the NDP and the prime minister, it is more important to be woke than to stop a war, or to help a nation about to be invaded.

This is the verbatim transcript from Hansard, which you can find here:


Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP):

Madam Chair, I would ask the Prime Minister what his government is doing to ensure that the feminist foreign policy is front and centre as we deal with this current crisis in Ukraine and what his government is doing to ensure that women are at all negotiating tables right now. The Canadian government is advocating for women to be present and to be at all of those tables at this time. If he could answer that, that would be great.


Right Hon. Justin Trudeau:

Madam Chair, I am pleased to underline that it is a continued preoccupation of this government to have a feminist foreign policy, which is certainly something that the Minister of Foreign Affairs is actively engaged in.

In terms of concretely on the ground, when I was last in Ukraine I engaged directly with members of civil society to talk about how Canada was supporting various actors to encourage full gender equality in their approach. We also have specific measures within Operation Unifier in training that address gender issues. We will continue to make sure that the path to peace includes women, because we know from countless examples around the world that women are key to solving long-term conflicts and making sure they stay solved.



She even tweeted about it on Feb. 1.

And then she had the temerity to tweet this on Feb. 1:


We could soon see deaths in the tens of thousands. Bombs falling. Missiles flying. Artillery shattering homes, schools and the bodies of children. And the NDP wants to know if we are feminist enough in our dealings with this? Will the mortar bombs ask their victims what their gender is before they slice them to pieces? And let’s not forget that in the early 1930s, MILLIONS of Ukrainians starved to death at the hands of the Russians in the Holodomor. You can read about it, and how my own family got out of Ukraine just before it happened, here.

If you don’t know what that looked like, here’s a photo of it. This was Ukrainian life under Russian communist rule. And former KGB agent and now president-for-life Vladimir Putin doesn’t seem to have much use for democracy these days.

There is little photographic evidence left of the Holodomor, but what there is includes photos of people who simply died of starvation in the middle of the streets. One minute they were walking there, then sitting, and then they were dead. By U. Druzhelubov. The date of death is impossible to determine therefore PMA is not known. – Proletarskoe Foto (Proletarian Photo) issue 1 dated Feb 1933, Public Domain,

What planet are either Heather McPherson or Justin Trudeau on? How could any nation in the world, including potential foes, take us seriously if this is what their intelligence services show their leaders? Yeah, that Trudeau – he’s more concerned about counting feminist noses than dead bodies. Maybe they should consider keeping bullets from flying front and centre, not feminist policy.

Failing that, they should be talking about how many more cases of ammo, rifles, grenades, body armour and anti-tank missiles Canada will be sending today, not tomorrow. Feminist? Bullets care not for feminism.

Did Trudeau shut her down? With a withering Churchillian eye, did he say to her sternly, “Can we get serious for a minute here? We’re talking about a war, and woke feminism has nothing to do with it?”

Not at all. He just rolled with it.

Which makes total sense. Trudeau gave Ukraine $120 million in a loan, but then said they couldn’t buy bullets with it. And we won’t give them lethal weapons, either. What good is that?

Feminism – real feminism

And if we do want to talk feminism, true feminism, then we should talk about this: if, God forbid, Canada should ever have to re-enact conscription, then men AND women should be taken in equal measure. Perhaps then politicians would be less willing to expend the lives of our young people.

How feminist are your feminist credentials then, Heather McPherson? Justin Trudeau?

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I do not say this lightly. My wife and I both signed up as reservists with the Canadian Armed Forces on the same day in 2001. She served six years as a commissioned officer, I served seven. I mustered out as a lieutenant. Our service, in the grand scheme of things, was minimal. We instructed cadets. But we signed on the dotted line. In no uncertain terms, if things got really bad (and they would have to in order to call upon Cadet Instructor Cadre officers) we could indeed have been sent wherever needed.

How bad is bad? Like World War III bad. Like war with the Russians bad. Did anyone forget that’s what could happen now? War with the Russians?

The day after my military enrollment papers showed up, the World Trade Centre was brought down by two planes. Apparently, that wasn’t bad enough, and we still signed up. So we spent our time in uniform teaching kids to be good people. But my wife, a qualified registered nurse, could easily have been called up for deployment in Afghanistan, if things went from bad to worse. Thankfully, she never was.

When I saw this debate broadcast live, I sat down with our 17-year-old daughter and told her she better pay attention, because if the world goes to hell, she’s military age.

I note that McPherson’s Twitter profile says she is the “mom of two amazing kids.” Some day, when her kids are older, and they ask her what she did as a parliamentarian in the days leading up to the Ukrainian War, and possibly the Third World War, what will her response be? Will it be “I stood up for the people of Ukraine?” Or will she tell the truth and say she asked the prime minister “what his government is doing to ensure that the feminist foreign policy is front and centre as we deal with this current crisis in Ukraine?”

Churchill said Britons would fight on the beaches, and on the landing grounds, and in the hills. McPhreson wanted to know about our feminist foreign policy.


So if McPherson is so concerned we have feminism as a priority in trying to stop a war, maybe she should be equally concerned for the young men, and women, in this country, who could get caught up in it. If the Russians get NATO involved, an attack on one is an attack on all, and we’re going.

Maybe the NDP, and the prime minister, should be more concerned about keeping the Russians on their side of the border than they are about their woke credentials. And maybe Justin Trudeau should be more concerned about addressing the Russians than having our forces “address gender issues.”

No wonder the world sees Canadian foreign policy as a joke.

Bombs don’t care about one’s woke credentials. They kill everyone equally.


Brian Zinchuk is editor and owner of Pipeline Online. He can be reached at


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Brian Zinchuk: Canada’s energy weapon is an empty holster in dealing with Russia with regards to Ukraine