By greeblie from US – Instrument Of Evil?, CC BY 2.0,


The reason we have the comfortable lifestyle we all enjoy can be summed up in one word: energy. Pure and simple. We have the ability to be warm in the winter and cool in the hot days of summer. We can travel great distances in short periods of time with minimal discomfort. But in recent memory, it seems like our way of life is at risk, mostly by ill-informed people with an agenda that is not based on science but, on controlling people. But what is going to happen in the immediate future?

Well, don’t fret, dear reader. Old Bri, with the help of the “Fantasmical Prognostication Machine” and my years of talking to people way smarter than I; we will give you the straight scoop for the beginning of 2022. Or, as we like to say in the oilpatch, “Q1” (the first quarter of the year).

To try to ascertain the future of energy and everything else in my world I go to a machine smarter than myself. I keep a very special and amazing device on my desk for times such as these. My executive decision making tool. The highly complex commodities predictive matrix icosahedron machine. In layman’s terms my “Magic Eight Ball TM.” (About as accurate as my investment guy…)

I do know that when I shake it and ask, “Will I be able to afford to retire soon?” I get the “Better not tell you now” signal 100 per cent of the time. Damn. But still, I do trust it to give me guidance in times such as these. So let’s ask this piece of plastic filled with blue alcohol and a twenty-sided die (icosahedron) a few questions and see what we can learn to help prepare for 2022.

#1. WTI oil price – “Will it continue to rise?” The eight ball gave me an “As I see it, Yes.” I concur with this based on the planes flying more every day and the fact that people continue to need food. Despite the fact that electric cars are making advancements, there is a long way to go with updating the grid to charge so many vehicles. They are definitely in our future. The other factor is that all of the new “green” technologies rely on crude oil in one form or another.

#2. Covid 19 – “Will it get better?” “You may rely on it” was the answer to this question. I also agree with this. Turn on an NFL game. There sure are a lot of people packed in the stadiums. Concerts are coming back. We are learning to live our lives in spite of it. Covid is not going away, but I predict we will adapt to having it in our lives. Pfizer announced some good results on a pill that won’t immunize you from the virus, but it will improve your recovery time and survivability. I am also of the opinion that if you eat right, take your vitamins, exercise and stay healthy, your chances of getting it are greatly reduced. That’s my opinion, no science. But yes, as a species, we will survive this. Hell yes.

#3. “Will I win the lottery?” Shake it – “My reply is no.” Shake it again- “Don’t count on it.” Shake it vigorously – “Very doubtful.” Shake over my head and make growling noises – “My sources say no.” Stupid piece of junk…

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#4. “Are operating costs going to continue to rise?” “Without a Doubt” is the reply. No surprise here, as input costs have never been higher, wages have gone up to recruit and retain workers. Material and parts have been in a steep climb. We all have more and more documentation and administrative costs to deal with. Oh yeah, let’s not forget the carbon tax.

#5. Since we are talking about the carbon tax, my next question is, “Will the current prime minister continue to be a dumpster fire?” I give it a good shake – “As I see it yes.” Just to be fair, I shake it again – “It is decidedly so.” No surprise here, not even a little bit.

#6. So I continue down the rabbit hole with, “Do we have a federal political party that can or will fix this mess?” I give it a big old shake and get “Better not tell you now.” Figures…

#7. “Is the demand for fossil fuels going to drop?” I give it a really, really big shake and spin around in my chair for good measure. “Very doubtful.” I agree, even though someday we will use less. But only if we allow the right people to do the research and come up with the correct, safe and cost-effective technologies. That means NOT you, politicians. And not your buddies and sycophants, either. Let us continue to improve how we use our current resources and use that to fund future long-term solutions. We must also do this in a way that won’t create more problems than it solves.

#8. And of course, because we live in Saskatchewan; “Will the Riders win the Grey Cup at home in 2022?” No matter how many times I shook the thing the answer was always; “YES” (I may or may not have made that one up, so y’all can decide for yourselves, or buy a Magic Eight Ball TM and give it a try.)

Just remember kids, things will probably turn out OK. We still do live in Canada, (best country in the world!) and whenever I get down on things I talk to my friends in the industry and vent for a bit. It doesn’t fix anything, but good conversation with a friend and the adult beverage of your choice makes these problems a bit less intimidating. Just read the news about Saskatchewan. We have the things the world needs. In this province, we are literally sitting on a gold mine of food, fuel and resources to power the future. Saskatchewan is the future.

Just for fun, I gave it a prolonged shake and said out loud, “Is everything gonna be alright?” “Outlook good.” I agree. Things will get better. If it gets tough, find the joy in everyday life. Just remember your spouse, significant other, kids, grandkids, friends, neighbors and co-workers. These are the relationships that matter and make life worth living. You don’t need the Magic Eight Ball TM to tell you that.


Brian Crossman is a partner at Independent Well Servicing where he does field supervision and marketing. He just asked the Magic Eight Ball again if he will win the lottery next year. “Better not tell you now” was the response. Hey, it didn’t say no!


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