Tyler Smith speaking at the Independent Well Servicing Safety Stand Down at the Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show. Photo by Brian Zinchuk

Well, the good people on the Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show committee did it again. Another great event in the books. The effort put into this cannot be emphasized enough. The small army of volunteers that work so hard put on this event do this for many reasons. But the primary motivation is because they love they love the industry they work in. More on that later.

I didn’t make it to the golf tournament, the Outlaw Buckers and Oil Kings rodeo or the steak and lobster supper. But between what all my friends that attended told me and seeing the many social media posts, Day 1 was an unqualified success. A big shout out to all who attended, but especially to the organizers and sponsors. Putting the effort into the first-time ever oil show event like a rodeo takes some brass ones to be sure, but thanks to a great idea from Jon Kmita, owner of Kmita Oilfield Services (second-generation oilman/bronc buster) with a little help from a local country singer named Dan. Having Saskatchewan legend Quick-Dick McDick sure didn’t hurt either. Just sayin’.

The Outlaw Buckers & Oil Kings Brong Match event was a great new highlight. Photo by Brian Zinchuk


Day two was great. (especially if you enjoy 95 kilometre per hour winds) The outdoor displays took a beating, but the representatives stood by their equipment and braved the elements. True dedication! The indoor booths were heavily favored for obvious reasons, and it was a great opportunity to run into old friends and colleagues. The provincial government made the announcement about education for high school student to introduce them into the energy industry. (Pipeline Online has related the details in a recent article.)

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At noon, a fantastic lunch was served, and the premier gave a good speech praising the show and the hard work that goes into it. He then introduced the legends as they were given their awards. All the recipients were worthy and it just proves that today’s innovators truly stand on the shoulders of giants. Myron Stadnyk collected his award and gave a great speech with a from the heart thank-you. Brad Wall (who needs no introduction) also received his Hall of Fame award and gave the kind of speech only the former premier can give. He was humble, grateful, funny, and praised the industry for doing the “heavy lifting.”  MLAs from the Sask Party and the NDP were out saying hi to everyone and showing support for the industry, which is always appreciated.

The prime rib supper was fantastic (notice delicious the food trend? mmmmmmm) Ryan Bernie of Element Technical Services and Del Mondor of Aldon Oils received “oil person of the year” awards for their contributions to Southeast Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan, respectively. Inspiring, grateful and heartfelt acceptance speeches from both deserving people. The night closed out with some great comedy from Kelly Taylor.

Brian Crossman, introducing Ryan Smith at the Independent Well Servicing Safety Stand Down. Photo by Brian Zinchuk

Day 3 started out with the first-ever “Safety Stand Down” breakfast starring Tyler Smith, who gave an inspiring speech about surviving the Humboldt Broncos bus crash and winning the Amazing Race Canada. He tied in his personal experiences and how it pertains to mental heath. The room of over eight-hundred people (many of whom were high school students) gave him their undivided attention and were inspired by his words. I think it’s safe to say that we will see this in two years time, and I promise you that young Tyler Smith has a bright future speaking to people about overcoming adversity and mental health. If you ever have the chance, listen to what he has to say. Side note: Quick Dick McDick said some humorous yet touching words right before Tyler spoke. That’s about as Saskatchewan as you can get.

A short interlude by Quick Dick McDick, also known as Dickson Delorme. Photo by Brian Zinchuk

To top it off, after yet another tasty meal, The best prime minister so far this millennium talked about Canada, the economy, world events and of course, our beloved energy industry. It was incredibly nice to hear a political leader give his opinions and advice on what needs to happen in Canada going forward. Many thanks to the sponsors of this event, having Stephen Harper come to Weyburn to speak was a big “get.”

I do, however, have a few small complaints. Not regarding the committee, the show, the speakers or the companies good enough to set up displays. I talked to several people, before, during and after the show. These people (who are friends and colleagues) told me that they didn’t see the value in the Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show. People have also complained about the prices and how they are “too busy to attend.”

The Safety Stand Down was well attended, with many rig crews coming in from the field.


These are the same people that whine about a general lack of interest in the industry and stand by and bitch that the federal government is trying to shut down the oil and gas sector altogether. These people also get annoyed by the lack of support for oil and gas from the media, our education system and a large swath of voters in eastern Canada (which is often outright hatred). To these people I say, “Here is your chance.” The chance to support the industry that puts food on your table and a roof over your head. The industry that can put your kids through university, creates a revenue stream to pay for health care, education and a long list of other requirements for a modern, civilized society. Don’t bitch about problems unless you have a solution.

On a final note, all the volunteers that put the oil and gas show on are just that, volunteers. They don’t get paid, and I bet a lot of the minor expenses incurred are on them or the companies they work for. They do this because they LOVE the industry. These good people are out there shouting from the rooftops that the energy industry is an important and necessary part of the Saskatchewan economy. Maybe all of us should pitch in and help them out.


Brian Crossman is a partner at Independent Well Servicing. He says thanks for all your help in promoting the energy industry. Keep up the good work y’all!


  • 0083 Michener Allen Industrial October 24
    0083 Michener Allen Industrial October 24
  • 0053 Kingston Midstream Westspur Alameda Click
    0053 Kingston Midstream Westspur Alameda Click
  • 0082 CsHM 2024 Pipeline
    0082 CsHM 2024 Pipeline
  • 0077 Caprice Resources Stand Up For Free Speech
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  • 0076 Latus only
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  • 0022 Grimes winter hiring
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Saskatchewan launches high school oil and gas courses to encourage students to join industry