Brian Crossman is a partner in Estevan-based Independent Well Servicing.
This is a kinda follow-up to a column last year. If you didn’t read it, refer to “I Am Spartacus!” “I Am Duncan!” from Dec. 3, 2023. The premise of the article is being willing to be punished by the federal government for standing behind your convictions. There has been a lot of talk about Bill C-59 lately, and while there are some clauses that purport to make life more affordable (always a good idea, I am doubtful of its success) but there are many items that pertain to freedom of speech. Whenever I hear of such things, I remember that this is Canada, not some communist dictatorship, and my initial reaction is to go full Spartacus.
Bill C-59. Sounds harmless enough, Bill seems like a pretty good fella, the letter C in the first letter in Canada (which makes it awesome) and ’59 was a good year for the Chevy Impala. But it’s not. It is a bill that has wide reaching effects on business, financing, personal freedoms and many others. They tend to mix in a lot of perceived “positives” but they are careful to mix in items many of us may not want passed. I tried reading through it and there is a lot of material in this bill, which is typical of any government bafflegab. Since this is we will focus on the part that affects our industry directly.
The amendments to Bill C-59 are aimed at “greenwashing” meaning you or your company could be charged with making false statements regarding positive climate action. The bigger goal is to prevent companies from stating the inconvenient truth that they are making significant gains on pollution. It has been nick-named the “Oil and Gas Cancellation Act” by some. The bottom line with this prevents anyone stating positive initiatives they have taken to improve how they do business cleaner and with less waste than before. If we are improving our systems for a greener future shouldn’t we be allowed to shout it out to promote our business? Our wonderful federal government may disagree with you. If this is the case they can fine you, maybe freeze your bank accounts or put you in jail. (Please refer to the freedom convoy people back in 2022.)
Now I know what you’re thinking. “Brian, what if the companies are making patently false claims?” “Shouldn’t they be held accountable?” Well, the thing is, we already are. Companies have to follow strict guidelines in regard to emissions, spills, cleanup, environmental stewardship, fuel use and energy consumption just to name a few. Then there is the media, mainstream and social. They love them a good oil spill story and will (rightfully so) report it. In short, we are already held accountable. And as I always say to the anti-oil crowd, or anyone who disagrees with something, vote with your feet and your wallet. It’s your choice.
Our friends in Ottawa will try and sell this to the population is a way to prevent “hate speech.” I truly believe that anybody reading this is not a fan of hate speech. But what is hate speech? Is it language that makes you feel hated? Does it inspire hatred toward others? So, is the comparison of publicizing your company’s latest green initiative or publicly approving genocide fair? Then should the president of an oil company, Mr. Zinchuk of this fine publication, or even me for writing this column be charged and put in jail? Jail?! I’m too pretty to go to jail. (Kidding, I look like forty miles of bad back road on a good day.) But if they want to jail me for advocating for the energy industry, come and get me.
So, what do you think is the root cause of the feds wanting to silence the oil and gas industry? Climate change? Possibly, but I think it runs deeper than that. It is my opinion this is a blatant attempt to prevent criticism of the current Liberal party government.
At the end of the day, this is about freedom. Freedom to think and say as we like. Freedom to express our thoughts, ideas and beliefs in a way that is non-discriminatory and truthful. And of course, to not be arrested. There should be no need to go “Full Spartacus.”
Am I Spartacus? No. Is Brian Zinchuk Spartacus? Possibly. Is Pierre Poilievre Spartacus? Maybe, but probably not. But all Canadians who believe in free speech, and freedom in general have a voice in how we say and do things. Elections matter. What we all say matters. This is the importance of voting. It is more important now than ever before. If we all work together on this, have respectful discourse between both sides and God willing, we can turn our country around.
Remember everybody; together “We Are Spartacus!”
Brian Crossman is a partner at Independent Well Servicing. He really doesn’t want to go to jail just because he advocates for the energy industry. But he will if that’s what it takes. Freedom isn’t free.