Brian Crossman: Taking a break to add some perspective on health care

I typically write articles for the energy industry. I’m gonna take a little detour today to discuss the health care in Saskatchewan. Why would I do this you might ask? While I am not a fan about writing about my personal life, in order to get to the point I have to....

Brian Crossman: How the Grinch tried to steal the oilpatch

Well, it’s nearly Christmas. I’m not the November Twelve kinda guy that goes Christmas crazy the second that poppy is off my coat. Early December is more my speed. But I do get excited about Christmas, mostly for the spoiling of the grandchildren. This is much to the...

Brian Crossman: Be interesting

A while back, I was talking to my nephews. They are currently attending university and working toward degrees. As us older guys tend to do, we want young people to learn from our mistakes. So of course I want to prevent loved ones from having to make their own...