While Regina-based Lex Capital Management has never invested in Keystone Royalty Corp., it, too, is part of the success story coming out of Regina, a story that involves Keystone, the Villanova series of companies, and Lex. Craig Lothian is the common element between...
SASKATOON – After several years of drilling and testing, Deep Earth Energy Production Corp. (DEEP) thinks they have figured out how they are going to make their geothermal power production facilities work. They are now going to spend the next six months...
ESTEVAN – Earlier in April, southwest Saskatchewan got whacked with a major blizzard that took out power for several days. This weekend, it was southeast Saskatchewan’s turn from April 22-23. While Moosomin area got more snow, the Estevan area was hit with more damage...
By Ellen Knickmeyer in Washington WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States unleashed some of its toughest actions against Russian President Vladimir Putin right after he rolled his troops into Ukraine. Polls in the U.S. find that people want Washington to do more....
REGINA – Regina-based Keystone Royalty may now be reaching its own liquidity event, with an acquisition by publicly-traded Topaz Energy, but along the way, the company has spawned seven, yes, seven, exploration companies, one of which is still active. It...